AJA FiDO-2T-X Mini-Converter

Kód produktu: FiDO-2T-X

2-Channel 3G-SDI to Single-Mode LC Fiber Transmitter for CWDM SFPs. For CWDM SFP options for this model FiDO, please click the View on Web button above and select the SFP Configurator button to choose the appropriate wavelengths SFP for your application. The compact, low profile enclosure is perfect for use in tight spaces such as equipment racks, trucks and crowded facilities. *CWDM SFP module needs to be configured using AJA SFP Configurator for FiDO-X models. (Price shown includes one CWDM SFP module.)

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2-Channel 3G-SDI to Single-Mode LC Fiber Transmitter for CWDM SFPs. For CWDM SFP options for this model FiDO, please click the View on Web button above and select the SFP Configurator button to choose the appropriate wavelengths SFP for your application. The compact, low profile enclosure is perfect for use in tight spaces such as equipment racks, trucks and crowded facilities. *CWDM SFP module needs to be configured using AJA SFP Configurator for FiDO-X models. (Price shown includes one CWDM SFP module.)

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