AJA FiDO-4R-MM Mini-Converter

Kód produktu: FiDO-4R-MM

FiDO-4R-MM is a receiver that allows the transport of quad channel 3G-SDI, including 4K/UltraHD rasters over Multi-Mode SFPs. Reach up to 700 m (2296 ft) for OM4 and 300 m (984 ft) for OM3 for Multi-Mode* fiber optic cables. FiDO converters use a compact, low-profile enclosure that works well in tight spaces around and behind equipment racks, trucks and on camera.

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FiDO-4R-MM is a receiver that allows the transport of quad channel 3G-SDI, including 4K/UltraHD rasters over Multi-Mode SFPs. Reach up to 700 m (2296 ft) for OM4 and 300 m (984 ft) for OM3 for Multi-Mode* fiber optic cables. FiDO converters use a compact, low-profile enclosure that works well in tight spaces around and behind equipment racks, trucks and on camera.

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