AJA OG-3G-AMD openGear

Kód produktu: OG-3G-AMD

The OG-3G-AMD is a state of the art, openGear compatible 8-Channel AES audio embedder/disembedder with support for 3G-SDI input and output up to 1080p 60. The OG-3G-AMD automatically detects and configures to the input video standard. A 10 BNC rear openGear connector module is included.

Designed for use in high-density openGear’s 2RU frames and AJA’s OG-X-FR 2RU frame, DashBoard Software support on Windows®, macOS® and Linux offers remote control and monitoring of the openGear architecture and provides convenient and industry-standard configuration, monitoring and control options over a PC or local network.

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The OG-3G-AMD is a state of the art, openGear compatible 8-Channel AES audio embedder/disembedder with support for 3G-SDI input and output up to 1080p 60. The OG-3G-AMD automatically detects and configures to the input video standard. A 10 BNC rear openGear connector module is included.

Designed for use in high-density openGear’s 2RU frames and AJA’s OG-X-FR 2RU frame, DashBoard Software support on Windows®, macOS® and Linux offers remote control and monitoring of the openGear architecture and provides convenient and industry-standard configuration, monitoring and control options over a PC or local network.

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