AJA 3G-AM Mini-Converter

Kód produktu: 3G-AM

The 3G-AM is an 8-channel AES audio Embedder/Disembedder with support for 3G-SDI input and output up to 1080p-60. Audio disembedding is always functional, providing 4 AES outputs. Audio embedding is user selectable, on a channel-pair basis, to either pass 3G-SDI input audio or to embed input AES audio from the breakout cable. AES inputs are sample rate converted to a 48KHz rate synchronous to the video input. The 3G-AM automatically detects and configures to the input video standard. Configurable across USB via AJA Mini-Config software for Mac and PC.

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The 3G-AM is an 8-channel AES audio Embedder/Disembedder with support for 3G-SDI input and output up to 1080p-60. Audio disembedding is always functional, providing 4 AES outputs. Audio embedding is user selectable, on a channel-pair basis, to either pass 3G-SDI input audio or to embed input AES audio from the breakout cable. AES inputs are sample rate converted to a 48KHz rate synchronous to the video input. The 3G-AM automatically detects and configures to the input video standard. Configurable across USB via AJA Mini-Config software for Mac and PC.

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