Kód produktu: FS1-X

FS1-X is a powerful and high-quality frame synchronizer and converter for aligning mismatched video standards in post production or broadcast as well as managing the ever-increasing number of audio channels and formats, including 5.1 and 7.1 to Stereo mix downs and MADI support. New automatic Reverse Telecine Cadence Detection for video dramatically improves the conversion quality of material that’s had 3:2 cadence inserted from original cine rates like 23.98fps.

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Bežná cena s DPH


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FS1-X is a powerful and high-quality frame synchronizer and converter for aligning mismatched video standards in post production or broadcast as well as managing the ever-increasing number of audio channels and formats, including 5.1 and 7.1 to Stereo mix downs and MADI support. New automatic Reverse Telecine Cadence Detection for video dramatically improves the conversion quality of material that’s had 3:2 cadence inserted from original cine rates like 23.98fps.

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