Kód produktu: KUMO 6464

The KUMO 6464 router offers an incredible 64 inputs and 64 outputs of 3G-SDI video and audio, while maintaining a slim and compact 4RU profile. KUMO 6464 has elegant and powerful web-based network control, and supports any SDI-based signal up to 3G-SDI, including HD and even 4K/UltraHD signals. Built to the same high-quality standards as all AJA KUMO products, KUMO 6464 is the ideal choice for any installation where a balance of size and routing capacity are critical. a. New salvos support simplifies switching operations by recalling multiple sources to specific destinations. Up to 8 Salvos are stored in a KUMO router and can be recalled via the KUMO router’s Web UI, GVG Native Protocol over Ethernet, RS-232, and/or the AJA KUMO CP2 Salvos buttons.

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The KUMO 6464 router offers an incredible 64 inputs and 64 outputs of 3G-SDI video and audio, while maintaining a slim and compact 4RU profile. KUMO 6464 has elegant and powerful web-based network control, and supports any SDI-based signal up to 3G-SDI, including HD and even 4K/UltraHD signals. Built to the same high-quality standards as all AJA KUMO products, KUMO 6464 is the ideal choice for any installation where a balance of size and routing capacity are critical. a. New salvos support simplifies switching operations by recalling multiple sources to specific destinations. Up to 8 Salvos are stored in a KUMO router and can be recalled via the KUMO router’s Web UI, GVG Native Protocol over Ethernet, RS-232, and/or the AJA KUMO CP2 Salvos buttons.

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